Powerful Change

The Power to Change leads to a Powerful Change

No matter what is going on in your life at any given time, there is only one thing you can do. No matter how you feel in response to a specific experience, circumstances, situation, or memory, there is always only one thing you can do. In every or any situation, regardless of the mitigating factors, you can always change your mind.

If what you are thinking, saying, or doing in response to any person or experience is to bringing you peace, change your mind! You can do it, just like that! When you change your mind, the things you've been thinking about, worrying about, crying over, running from, will look completely different. It may not be that anything in the actual picture changes...your changed mind will alter the way you see it.

If you are serious about creating a change in your mind, here are a few tips:

Do not insist that people be who you want them to be.

Do not insist that you are someone you are not.

Do not insist that you can do things you cannot do.

Do not insist that you know things that you don't.

Do not insist that you will do things that you won't do.

Do not insist that everyone is wrong about you.

Do not insist that you are right.

Whenever you are insistent about something, you create an attachment. Breaking that attachment creates disruption in the mind.

You may not have realized that you can always change your mind. Be devoted to changing how you think about things, how you see things and what you tell yourself about everything.

Changing your mind about anything or anyone transforms how those things or persons impact your life.

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